We preside over the main social networks with valuable information, capable of transmitting our know-how and involving the brand’s international community in the best possible way
Carimali places a high priority on developing top-notch products and cultivating positive relationships with all members of the coffee industry. Our team promotes our products and establishes mutually beneficial relationships with all stakeholders.
We preside over the main social networks with valuable information, capable of transmitting our know-how and involving the brand’s international community in the best possible way
It is in these meeting occasions that the Carimali team is able to give the best of itself and present the best of our production to potential new customers
A privileged channel for sending customized communications to customers, suppliers, partners.
To stay updated on the Carimali world
Our workshops are crucial moments to keep up with market trends and get to know all the potential of our products and our cutting-edge technologies